At the book fair at school last week, a student's family presented me with another Robert Sabuda pop up book, on my favorite...the Chronicles of Narnia. At detention duty, I read the Silver Chair. The duty room has a lovely reading corner so I have helped myself to these novels. It is taking forever to finish it...partly, because I recall the memories of my siblings and myself at the British Council Library in Kuwait, looking for good stories...any story, other than standard text books of school. And partly because it is detention and supervision is key. However, I am imagining again, something that does not come easy and does not end quickly. I need some inspiration for my stories ( so the blog, meek as it may be, has started me out on course for writing other things than dissertation stuff). In our world, while Puddleglum and Talking Owls are a bit precarious, a good tree house will do. I am in possession of a Narnia Wardrobe, as many call the magnanimous piece of furniture in our living room... but tree house...that's a whole different ball park.